
Alarm Management System

Alarm system is designed to warn operators of the abnormal situations and urges them to respond properly and prevent or mitigate process upsets and accidents. However, improper alarm management policy can result in alarm overload, which lead operators to miss critical alarms or routinely ignore alarms, increasing the risk of plant downtime and even more terrible disaster.

The safety of a plant can be maintained only when the right alarms are delivered to the right people at the right timing. It's a continious journey, or a lifecycle efforts dynamically catering for the ever-changing needs of the plant. Thus to help the operators to be more focused and efficient, and improve plant safety.
  • Alarm Database

    Support fully integration with SUPCON DCS and connection with non-SUPCON DCS via OPC A&E, OPC DA. Support alarm parameters record by sort. Support rationalization data record by process.
  • Statistical Analysis

    Support comprehensive analysis by alarms frequency, alarm duration, alarm types, alarm sorting, alarms per shift, stale alarms, intermittent alarms, chattering alarms, fleeting alarms, consequential alarms, custom tag alarms, alarms priority distribution, operation frequency, acknowledge percentage, confirmation percentage, etc.
  • Alarm Rationalization

    Alarms flood usually come from relatively few sources and can be taken under control. For example, some chattering alarms could be caused by incorrect alarm limits. Checking and fixing them will significantly improve the alarm system. Based on the EEMUA#191 guideline and ISA18.2 standard, VxAAS helps rationalize the alarm configuration to the maximum extent.
  • Real-Time Alarm Management

    Support multiple alarm shelving scheme during maintenance or planned shutdowns. Support operation condition based alarm management, including alarm suppression, alarm shielding, alarm priority and alarm limit adjustment, etc. Support alarm enforcement, and documentation of changes.
  • Report & Notification

    Support on demand access to consolidated alarms and events information in custom reports. Support manual or automatic statistics collection by day, week, month. Statistics can be automatically archived and sent to multiple inboxes or exported as PDF or CSV files.